Santa Rosa Junior College was contacted by an organization called “Project Truth” informing them that they would visit the Santa Rosa campus on April 24th & 25th to exercise their legal right to free speech as part of their “Project Truth Spring 2017 College Campus Tour,” which was part of a campaign targeting west coast colleges.
Demonstrated on their website, and behaviour at other events staged at Northern California schools, Project Truth activists hand out information and often aggressively engage students and others with controversial truth claims about morality, reproductive rights, terminating pregnancies, and use pseudo-Christian theology, shaming, and extremely graphic images for the purpose of reinforcing their point of view.
Taking full advantage of their first amendment rights they admit, “we do use graphic, but truthful pictures to tell the truth about abortion.” Provocative organizations like this assert their First Amendment right to protected free speech and use the College campus as a “public forum.”
The event was heated and loud at times, comical, ridiculous and surreal at another moment as the photos and video I captured during part of that day
photos and video by Ronny Joe Grooms